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any body help me pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:31 am
by prince1990love
any body can help me pls!!! firstly i am sorry for my english
i want script in system scheduler for remove all users in hotspot when the limit-bytes-total has reached and over
Re: any body help me pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:32 am
by prince1990love
no body!!!!!!!
Re: any body help me pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:00 pm
by ShayanFiroozi
Hi , why scripts ??
do it with queue , more reliable , google it , there are many videos on youtube and tiktube
Re: any body help me pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:26 pm
by Splash
This might help:
# Date: 03/06/2011
# Revised: 22/02/2013
# Revised: 01/08/2013
# Author: Alfredo Agius
# Revised by Alexander Prozorov - adaptation for RouterOS version 6.xx
# File: cleanUserManager
# Tested on: RouterOS version 6.1
# Description: Deletes Mikrotik User-Manager accounts whos not active more or equal 3 month.
# Accounts which are not yet activated are skipped.
# Accounts which have valid profile are skipped.
# A summary of all accounts skipped, deleted and kept is displayed in the end of the cycle to
# console screen and to log.
# Notes:
# This script work if NTP package is installed.
# This script can be run either from WinBox or from console.
# -- If console is used, all processing details will be shown, and a summary of operations in the end.
# -- If WinBox is used, all processing details will be HIDDEN, and a summary of operations will be
# sent to log.
# Use: In Winbox, go to System > Script, create a new script, name it cleanUserManager and paste
# this whole document in it. Click Apply and OK.
# Syntax: To run the script, from terminal enter "/system script run cleanUserManager" without quotes.
if ([/system ntp client get status]="synchronized") do={
:global iterator 0
:global deleted 0
:global skipped 0
:global kept 0
/tool user-manager user print brief without-paging
:global counter [/tool user-manager user print count-only]
:do {
:local thisDate
:local thisYear
:local thisDay
:local thisMonth
:local thisSeen
:local thisProfile
:local thisOwner
:local thisCredit
:local creditYear
:local creditDay
:local creditMonth
:local expireMonth
:local creditName
:set thisDate [/system clock get date]
:set thisYear [:pick $thisDate 7 11]
:set thisDay [:pick $thisDate 4 6]
:set thisMonth [:pick $thisDate 0 3]
:if ($thisMonth="jan") do { :set thisMonth "01"}
:if ($thisMonth="feb") do { :set thisMonth "02"}
:if ($thisMonth="mar") do { :set thisMonth "03"}
:if ($thisMonth="apr") do { :set thisMonth "04"}
:if ($thisMonth="may") do { :set thisMonth "05"}
:if ($thisMonth="jun") do { :set thisMonth "06"}
:if ($thisMonth="jul") do { :set thisMonth "07"}
:if ($thisMonth="aug") do { :set thisMonth "08"}
:if ($thisMonth="sep") do { :set thisMonth "09"}
:if ($thisMonth="oct") do { :set thisMonth "10"}
:if ($thisMonth="nov") do { :set thisMonth "11"}
:if ($thisMonth="dec") do { :set thisMonth "12"}
:local thisSeen [/tool user-manager user get $iterator last-seen]
:local thisProfile [/tool user-manager user get $iterator actual-profile]
:local thisOwner [/tool user-manager user get $iterator customer]
:set creditName [/tool user-manager user get $iterator name]
:if ([:len $thisProfile]!=0) do {
:put {"Username ". $creditName . " Have valid profile:". $thisProfile . " Skipping ..."};
:set skipped ($skipped+1) } else {
:if ([$thisSeen]!= "never") do {
:set creditYear [:pick $thisSeen 7 11]
:set creditDay [:pick $thisSeen 4 6]
:set creditMonth [:pick $thisSeen 0 3]
:if ($creditMonth="jan") do { :set creditMonth "02";:set expireMonth "feb"}
:if ($creditMonth="feb") do { :set creditMonth "03";:set expireMonth "mar"}
:if ($creditMonth="mar") do { :set creditMonth "04";:set expireMonth "apr"}
:if ($creditMonth="apr") do { :set creditMonth "05";:set expireMonth "may"}
:if ($creditMonth="may") do { :set creditMonth "06";:set expireMonth "jun"}
:if ($creditMonth="jun") do { :set creditMonth "07";:set expireMonth "jul"}
:if ($creditMonth="jul") do { :set creditMonth "08";:set expireMonth "aug"}
:if ($creditMonth="aug") do { :set creditMonth "09";:set expireMonth "sep"}
:if ($creditMonth="sep") do { :set creditMonth "10";:set expireMonth "oct"}
:if ($creditMonth="oct") do { :set creditMonth "11";:set expireMonth "nov"}
:if ($creditMonth="nov") do { :set creditMonth "12";:set expireMonth "dec"}
:if ($creditMonth="dec") do { :set creditMonth "01";:set expireMonth "jan";:set creditYear ($creditYear+1)}
:set thisCredit ($expireMonth ."/". $creditDay . "/". $creditYear)
:if ($creditYear>$thisYear) do {
:put {"Kept username ".$creditName." which expires on ".$thisCredit };
:set kept ($kept+1) } else {
:if ($creditYear<$thisYear) do {
/tool user-manager user remove $creditName;
:put {"Deleted username ". $creditName . " which expired on " . $thisCredit};
:set deleted ($deleted+1) } else {
:if ($creditMonth>$thisMonth) do {
:put {"Kept username " . $creditName . " which expires on " . $thisCredit};
:set kept ($kept+1) } else {
:if ($creditMonth<($thisMonth)) do {
/tool user-manager user remove $creditName;
:put {"Deleted username ". $creditName . " which expired on " . $thisCredit};
:set deleted ($deleted+1) } else {
:if ($creditDay>=$thisDay) do {
:put {"Kept username " . $creditName . " which expires on " . $thisCredit};
:set kept ($kept +1) } else {
/tool user-manager user remove $creditName;
:put {"Deleted username ". $creditName . " which expired on " . $thisCredit};
:set deleted ($deleted+1) }
} else {
:put {"Username ". $creditName . " is not yet activated. Skipping ..."};
:set skipped ($skipped+1)}
:set iterator ($iterator+1)
} while=($iterator!=$counter)
:put {"\r________________________________\n\rCleaning ready!\n\rPerformed these operations:\r\t"}
:put {"Records processed: \t" . $counter}
:put {"\rDeleted usernames: \t" . $deleted}
:put {"Skipped usernames: \t" . $skipped}
:put {"Kept usernames:\t\t" . $kept}
:put {"\r__________________________________\r"}
:log info ("\r_________________________________\n\rCleaning ready!\n\rPerformed these operations:\r\t")
:log info ("Records processed: \t" . $counter)
:log info ("\rDeleted usernames: \t" . $deleted)
:log info ("Skipped usernames: \t" . $skipped)
:log info ("Kept usernames: \t\t" . $kept)
:log info ("\r_________________________________\r")
Re: any body help me pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:56 pm
by prince1990love
thanks very much.....that is help