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Speed help

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:29 am
by friend4chams

One company configured Mikrotik for me but i am not able to understand the speed which he configured in User Profiles any one please help me with these:

4096k/4096k 4096k/4096k 4096k/4096k 30/30 5 10/10

1024k/1024k 1024k/1024k 1024k/1024k 60/60 8 10/10

1024k/1024k 1024k/1024k 1024k/1024k 10/10

With 1024 i understand that it is 1Mbps and 4096 is 4Mbps but what about all other things and why is it being repeated 3 times and what are these 30/30 or 60/60 or 10/10? and 5 or 8?

Any one please help

Re: Speed help

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:43 am
by ZeroByte
The speeds are going to be the max limit, burst limit, and burst minimum (I forget the exact order, I'm sure there's a wiki doc explaining this)
The 5 and 8 are the queue priorities, and I'm not sure the 10/10 60/60 - possibly the "average load" times to compute whether the queue is burst eligible.

Re: Speed help

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:35 am
by chechito
i think sometimes winbox user interface makes easier to understand things