Hotspot filter doesn't work?
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:18 pm
I have a problem with incoming/outgoing filter in hotspot.
Hotspot is full functional and working. I created a custom firewall chain for filtering traffic through hotspot for a specific user. When I set this chain in incoming/outgoing filter it doesn't work for me. It looks like it's ignoring it. Where could I be wrong?
It's 2.9.29-ns on RouterBoard 532, level 4.
Hotspot is full functional and working. I created a custom firewall chain for filtering traffic through hotspot for a specific user. When I set this chain in incoming/outgoing filter it doesn't work for me. It looks like it's ignoring it. Where could I be wrong?
Code: Select all
ip hotspot user> profile print
0 * name="default" idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m status-autorefresh=1m shared-users=5 incoming-filter="" outgoing-filter="" transparent-proxy=yes open-status-page=always advertise=no
1 name="gost" idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m status-autorefresh=1m shared-users=10 incoming-filter="hotspotguest" outgoing-filter="hotspotguest" transparent-proxy=yes open-status-page=always advertise=no