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Link Downs

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:06 pm
by dkalam
I have a 433GL board with RB52n-M card in 2.4Ghz as an AP. I get a lot of Link Downs (100 per day). What that means?.

ROS 6.32.2 but I also tried with 6.34.3 (cm2-package).

I also have an identical setup with an extra RB52 in 5Ghz + 2.4 GHz with no link downs....

Is this a hardware problem of the first AP?

Re: Link Downs

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:27 pm
by ShayanFiroozi
Cant say exactly , but try high power POE , i had same problem and after searching 2 months i found out that enough amperage is not reaching properly to my device due to the long cable !!