Try following.
# Script to find if wan link have private ip and act accordingly,
# Tested with Mikrotik ROS 5.20 Version
# 19-APR-2016 / Syed Jahanzaib
# Set your WAN Interface name , i have added pppoe-out1 , change it as required
:set WANINTERFACE pppoe-out1
# Find Public IP from pppoe-out1 interface & cut subnet
:local WANIP [/ip address get [find where interface=$WANINTERFACE] address];
:set WANIP [:pick $WANIP 0 ([:len $WANIP]-3) ];
# Match if IP address starts with private address 10.*
:if ($WANIP ~"^[0-9 ]*10") do={
:log warning "Private ip address found !!!"
# Set your action here , like Re-Connect the pppoe-link
} else={
# Match if IP address starts with private address 172.*
:if ($WANIP ~"^[0-9 ]*172") do={
:log warning "Private ip address found !!!"
# Set your action here , like Re-Connect the pppoe-link
} else={
# Match if IP address starts with private address 192.*
:if ($WANIP ~"^[0-9 ]*192") do={
:log warning "Private ip address found !!!"
# Set your action here , like Re-Connect the pppoe-link
} else={
# If above statement do not match, then consider it a public ip and take no action, just log : ~ )
:log warning "Public IP - $WANIP - Found, OK ! No action required"
# OR Set your desire action here if required
# Script Ends Here ...