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A Non-ISP Dependent Static IP (Statix)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:58 am
by dangucci
Hello all , i have managed to break the monopoly of having a static ip address provided only by your Internet service provider. In other words i can assign a static IP address that can work on any ISP in the world and i have built this technology on mikrotik. Trials are allowed for proof of the technology. This technology does what DDNS cannot do
Contact me at or on skype at "dangucci"


Re: A Non-ISP Dependent Static IP (Statix)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:39 pm
by rextended
Hello all , i have managed to break the monopoly of having a static ip address provided only by your Internet service provider. In other words i can assign a static IP address that can work on any ISP in the world and i have built this technology on mikrotik. Trials are allowed for proof of the technology. This technology does what DDNS cannot do
Contact me at or on skype at "dangucci"

You break ISP monopoly?
The user later simply have your monopoly...

"i have built this technology on mikrotik"
you has just simply configured a mikrotik device, you do not create any new "technology"...

Anyone in the world with simply two mikrotik devices can share or rent one fixed IP with simple mikrotik setup (and intercepting any type of traffic), and can be used over any type of internet connection, and with any type of network device...

Re: A Non-ISP Dependent Static IP (Statix)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:12 pm
by dangucci
I'm not using the type of setup you stated above, This is a different one i trust you have no idea of. I would want you to try it out and testify and tell the world of it . Thanks .. Contact me or skype at "dangucci"

Re: A Non-ISP Dependent Static IP (Statix)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:35 pm
by Sob
Wouldn't it be easier to just "tell the world" yourself? Say it loud and proud instead of this "secret" advertising.

Re: A Non-ISP Dependent Static IP (Statix)

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:38 pm
by andressis2k
You're genious.

Did you invented VPN?

We've been using them from years...

Re: A Non-ISP Dependent Static IP (Statix)

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:47 pm
by docmarius
You're genious.

Did you invented VPN?

We've been using them from years...
Maybe he created his own private Internet :lol:

@dangucci: I think you missed the 1st of April. Do you really thing a sane person would rely on an obscure skype/gmail account company with a fashion company user name doing hidden advertising on a forum, to entrust their valuable data to? It is like searching porn sites for a righteous virgin...