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traffic shaping

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:20 pm
by adaheem
dear all

everything is working fine, but the traffic shaping is not.
any user makes a download will eat all the bandwidth i have.
i have been working on it all the day but useless, read the manual and still not working.

i put in the simple queue the speed i want , the limit and the max limit.
it is accepting it without any errors but whenever i make a download it take all the speed i have.


where else i have to work other than the simple queue?

10x in advanced

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:27 am
by sergejs
1) If you want to limit customer's bandwidth use 'target-address' instead of 'dst-address' as IP address matcher.
'Dst-address' is optional parameter, it's designed to limit traffic to the certain destination address.

2) Probably, PCQ configuration will be more easier and flexible, PCQ configuration example, ... t#

P.S. Are you sure that 8-9kbps is enough data rate for the downloads ?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:02 pm
by koMar
I'am having the same problem, except we are using target address, and also pcq, but still not working. We have segmented network with four different subnets, and if i would like to shape traffic per connection( per user) it won't work. It will eat all the bandwidth as in the example before. We know from our experience that simple queue work fine when not segmented networks are used, when one subnet is used.

Any ideas how to configure traffic PCQ for segmented networks?