I'm trying to implement simple queues for hotspot users. AFAIK, is so simple as:
Create a simple queue to delimitate global limits.
Inform in the hotspot user profile the rate limits and the parent queue.
I did that and I got "unexpected results":
I've a xDSL line with 10mb download and 1M upload. I wanna give to clients a maximum of 6M download and 800k upload to share between them.
I'm using a 450G router, with 5 ethernet ports. eth0 is connected to the DSL router/modem and eth2, eth3 and eth4 being part of a bridge where hotspot authenticates internal clients.
I've created a parent simple queue to limit globally
Code: Select all
0 name="general_hotspot1" target="" parent=none packet-marks="" priority=8/8 queue=default-small/default-small limit-at=0/0 max-limit=800k/6M burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s
Then I inform in the hotspot profile, to use limits and queues
Code: Select all
0 * name="default" status-autorefresh=1m shared-users=100 add-mac-cookie=yes mac-cookie-timeout=8w4d rate-limit="800k/6M" insert-queue-before=hs-<hotspot1> parent-queue=general_hotspot1 queue-type=ethernet-default address-list="" transparent-proxy=no
[admin@dlf000003] >
Code: Select all
1 D name="<hotspot-ZZ6300>" target= parent=general_hotspot1 packet-marks="" priority=8/8 queue=ethernet-default/ethernet-default limit-at=800k/6M
max-limit=800k/6M burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s
Download limit is applied to the user, upload limit not at all (in a speed test, user downloaded at 5.10Mbps and uploaded at 16.50Mbps)
limits are applied by user basis, but global limits are not applied. Following the example, with a limit of 6Mb, if 2 users downloads at same time, each one gets a limit of 6Mb, but in total they are consuming 12Mb
I'm sure that I'm not appliying something well, but I don't see my error.
Anyone could help me showing me the "good way"?
FYI, I'm following the documentation "Dynamic QoS RouterOS v6.3" by Valens Riyadi from MUM-EU-2014