I'm currently working with a big network (/16) that I want to splice in different vlans. There are many switch and all are attached to a trunk port on my ccr1009.
At the moment I've only one vlan interface, with the vid 1 on that trunk port, and all the LAN traffic come from that.
I'm using the mikrotik as the main firewall, router, dhcp-server and hotspot.
My idea is to splice the current network in about 25/30 vlan, but to do that I need to configure all the single switch port (and it require many days), and during this days from the new vlan I need to reach and be part of the old network.
So my first idea was to create all the vlan interfaces on the trunk port of the mikrotik, bridge them and assign the ip address, dhcp-server to the bridge.
Here's is an example of part of my config:
Code: Select all
/interface bridge
add name=bridge-test
/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether1 ] l2mtu=1588 name="lan ether1"
set [ find default-name=ether7 ] l2mtu=1590 name="wan (7)"
/interface vlan
add arp=reply-only interface="lan ether1" name="its (3)" vlan-id=3
add arp=reply-only interface="lan ether1" name="test (98)" vlan-id=98
/ip dhcp-server
add address-pool=its disabled=no interface=bridge-test lease-time=3d name=its
/ip pool
add name=its ranges=
/interface bridge port
add bridge=bridge-test interface="test (98)"
add bridge=bridge-test interface="its (3)"
/ip address
add address= interface=bridge-test network=
I've noticed that in the arp table of the mikrotik the pc from vlan 98 come 3 times: from interface vlan 98, from interface vlan 3 and from the bridge, so I've tried to switch the two vlan interfaces to arp-reply only, but that doesn't help.
Any suggestion? I'm doing something wrong or something that cannot be done?
In my mind I'm simply bridging 2 interface, so it should work as if I'm bridgind to physical interface
There's any other method to do something similar?
Thanks to all