Just my five cents worth... a non-vetted review without running the product.
I would
instead highly recommend something in the lines of
pfSense or OPNsense which are secure, modern, tested, vetted for "generations":
https://turbofuture.com/internet/How-to ... us-Package
A fair warning that this product should probably NOT be considered production ready or reasonably developed (ie secure, modern, tested, vetted).
So just that there is no confusion about the extremely poorly maintained website and documented product...
The "current" files are here:
not here:
which links to something from 2012:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/dalora ... DIUS%20VM/
Install instructions (dated 2007, 12 years ago):
https://github.com/lirantal/daloradius/ ... er/INSTALL
https://github.com/lirantal/daloradius/ ... TALL.quick
https://github.com/lirantal/daloradius/ ... NSTALL.win
Changelog however indicates current development (release 1.0-1 - 24 Mar 2019):
https://github.com/lirantal/daloradius/ ... /ChangeLog
However also note there has been "no" development between 2019 and release 0.9-9 - 27 May 2011
I'm willing to bet money, based on the changelog comments, this is just a mandatory PHP version increment quickfix, basically the original PHP version is so outdated that it would run on any currently "available" PHP versions.
"- added new translation function to avoid PHP warnings on missing keys"
Since the manual is not for free here is the closest reference to internal workings (however outdated, 2012):
https://sourceforge.net/projects/dalora ... f/download#
Sorry Liran Tal.