I was just testing tethering via USB (android phone motorola X kitkat) as a backup for when i lost my primary ISP (common here)
It works perfectly with my RB951Ui-2HnD , but when i plug it in on the RB2011UiAS-RM the Tethering function is grayed out, i cannot selected it.
The RB2011UiAS-RM is running 6.23 (factory firmware), RB951 has a newer version (6.30 i think), could it be the fw version or the USB port of the RB2011UiAS-RM is functionally more limited than the 951?
[EDIT] Upgraded to the last firmware, same issue.
When I plug the phone in the RB951s the pone asks me what kind of connection use via USB (share photos, etc) but with the RB2011 nothing, only charges the battery.
thank you!