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CRS125 6.6 no interface ethernet switch ingress-vlan-translation ports

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:09 am
by mmercerctu
Not sure why, but I *cannot* use the plural form of "port" on my crs125-24g...

[mmercer@MikroTik] /interface ethernet switch ingress-vlan-translation> set 
Change properties of one or several items.
<numbers> -- List of item numbers
customer-dei -- 
customer-pcp -- 
customer-vid -- 
customer-vlan-lookup-for -- 
disabled -- Defines whether item is ignored or used
new-customer-vid -- 
new-service-vid -- 
pcp-propagation -- 
port -- 
protocol -- 
sa-learning -- 
service-dei -- 
service-pcp -- 
service-vid -- 
service-vlan-lookup-for -- 
swap-vids -- 

Did I overlook a change in the syntax somewhere?  I have several crs112s as well, but its still there (though they are still apparently on the older firmware)...

Re: CRS125 6.6 no interface ethernet switch ingress-vlan-translation ports

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:09 pm
by mmercerctu
Rofl, ok, im an idiot.  Dont know why but I kept reading that 6.6 as 6.36...  (yes yes, i know, it says plain as day '6.6')

I'm closing this due to PEBKAC =D