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PtP with SR2 !!!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:04 pm
by scubydoobg
Hi , we have PtP link over 40 km with SR2 cards , signal strenth si -60/-58 dBm .I'm using Nstreme , exact size and framer limit=4000 ..station-wds ..
2.4 G Turbo ..
But i have "pure" bandwith performance then the same link with SR5 ?
With SR5 i got 60-70 Mbit/s in one direction , with SR2 max 50Mbit/s , my question is there any special setting for SR2 different then SR5 or it's normal speed which i can expect from link running on 2.4 Ghz with SR2 cards ?

Re: PtP with SR2 !!!

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:05 am
by Dryanta
Hi , we have PtP link over 40 km with SR2 cards , signal strenth si -60/-58 dBm .I'm using Nstreme , exact size and framer limit=4000 ..station-wds ..
2.4 G Turbo ..
But i have "pure" bandwith performance then the same link with SR5 ?
With SR5 i got 60-70 Mbit/s in one direction , with SR2 max 50Mbit/s , my question is there any special setting for SR2 different then SR5 or it's normal speed which i can expect from link running on 2.4 Ghz with SR2 cards ?
50mbit over 40 km? That's awesome! I can't run 2.4 turbo under fcc, so I envy you. There is nothing wrong with that link, good job! :)


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:51 pm
by scubydoobg
heheh 10x i expect rates similar using SR5 :-)

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:59 pm
by danielillu
this diference could be because in the 2.x ghz band there are (usually) more interferences than in the 5.x ghz and this slows down the link.
always (if its technical, legal and many others possible) is better to have such ptp links in a band less crowded.