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Speed difference?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:43 pm
by friend4chams

Can anyone tell me what is difference if i use in profile:

128k/128k 256k/256k 196k/196k 30/30 8 64k/64k (How this work if i have 10 users)

or just

128k/128k (How this work if i have 10 users)

Edited for more detail:
I am asking if i make two profiles one with rate limit: 128k/128k 256k/256k 196k/196k 30/30 8 64k/64k (How speed is divided if 10 users and all of them are using it at the same time all users are on same profile) and 2nd profile with rate limit: 128k/128k with another 10 users it is clear every one will get 128 each but what about 128k/128k 256k/256k 196k/196k 30/30 8 64k/64k ? why 64 at last mean is it after 30 seconds the speed will be 64K? and when the speed will be 196k? and when 256 k?

and after that answer i need to know profile with rate limit:128k/128k 256k/256k 196k/196k 30/30 8 64k/64k vs profile with rate limit: 128k/128k

Re: Speed difference?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 11:19 am
by IntrusDave
Your question doesn't make any sense.
there are many profiles in RouterOS.
We have no idea what you are setting those values for.

Re: Speed difference?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:05 pm
by friend4chams
Your question doesn't make any sense.
there are many profiles in RouterOS.
We have no idea what you are setting those values for.
I am just asking if i make two profiles one with rate limit: 128k/128k 256k/256k 196k/196k 30/30 8 64k/64k (How speed is divided if 10 users and all of them are using it at the same time all users are on same profile) and 2nd profile with rate limit: 128k/128k with another 10 users it is clear every one will get 128 each but what about 128k/128k 256k/256k 196k/196k 30/30 8 64k/64k ? why 64 at last mean is it after 30 seconds the speed will be 64K? and when the speed will be 196k? and when 256 k?

and after that answer i need to know profile with rate limit:128k/128k 256k/256k 196k/196k 30/30 8 64k/64k vs profile with rate limit: 128k/128k

Re: Speed difference?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:11 pm
by IntrusDave
I'm not sure how you expect help without actually answering the question. I'll try to be more clear.

What profile?
ppp profile?
ipsec profile?
radius profile?

I don't know what your numbers mean without knowing what you are trying to do.

Re: Speed difference?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:44 am
by friend4chams
I'm not sure how you expect help without actually answering the question. I'll try to be more clear.

What profile?
ppp profile?
ipsec profile?
radius profile?

I don't know what your numbers mean without knowing what you are trying to do.

I thought there is only one place in mikrotik where "Rate Limit" is configured in WinBox environment, i do not see any rate limit option inside PPP or IPSEC, well i will come the point i am talking about,_ ... priorities

i am not able to understand what these are actually

Burst Rate: 32k/256k (What is burst rate when user will reach this speed?)
Burst Threshold: 24k/196k (When user will reach this speed)
Burst Time: 30/30 (what does it mean 30/30? is it 30 seconds? what happens after 30 seconds)
Priority: 8 (which one got more priortiy from 1 to 8? 1 is higher priority or 8?)
Minimum rate: 16k/64k (When user will reach this speed)

Re: Speed difference?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:29 pm
by IntrusDave
You will find that the Simple Queues explain the rate limiting ... operties_2