hi every one ...
i would like from support of the mikrotik factory to read my post and resolve this error in access point rule policy which i found out that when i try to give an limited time to registration with the mikrotik access point
lets us explain the proplem/
suppose you have rb951.you make it as an internet access point .suppose that rb951 is placed in camp , school , college ..Et cetera .the persons in this places have an limited time to connect with the rb951 access point .lets say from 8a.m to 8 p.m evey day .after 8 p.m the persons above have no permissin to connect with rb951 access point unless they must wait to 8 a.m of the next day .
i hope you understood me
lets see the image down
you see tow times/
time 1 = the start time to connect ( the user with mac address listed in access point policy )with the mikrotik access point every day
time 2 = the end time of connecting with the mikrotik access point every day
logically any mac address listed in the policy above can not connect after the time 2
in fact no!!!!!! .
the user with the mac address listed in our example can connect with th rb951 access point even he have no permission to connect .!!
finally .what do you suggest to me another method to carry out my example.please
my greetings