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Facebook and youtube to address list ips

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:23 am
by qudama
Please i am an isp and i bought new mikrotik ccr 1036.
I want help me on this and please dont let me down :(.

I want script that put any website ips ( dynamic ips ) to address list on firewall.

For example
Script to put facebook ip in firewall address list and update it every 5 minute.

Script to put youtube in firewall address list and update it every 5 minute

Script to put any other website to address list.


Re: Facebook and youtube to address list ips

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:30 am
by jarda
You don't need a script. Just put required fqdn to the ip address list and ros will explode into ips and will update it accordingly to the ttl automatically.