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Since upgrade to 6.37.1 Dude stop automatic discovery

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:47 pm
by guisalazar
Hello, I hope you can help me. I have a CCR1036 with the dude server, recently I upgrade routerOS and Dude to 6.37.1 from 6.36.2 and solve many issues but in the dude in all the maps I vave created the discovery has stoped adding new objets, if I stop and start the discovery it's find and add objets to the maps but only as an empty green icon without name, if I enter the icon it's show only the address. I have set the discovery to run every hour and the clock runs but will no discover any device until I pause and restar the discovery manually.

Best regards

Re: Since upgrade to 6.37.1 Dude stop automatic discovery

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:13 pm
by guisalazar
I've just upgraded to 6.37.3 and this isseu was not resolved.