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Problems with run script via SSH

Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:25 pm


I have a script called "upgrade" on /SYSTEM SCRIPTS.

#Upgrade Package List
/system upgrade refresh
:delay 10s
#Download the Packet
/system upgrade download-all
:delay 55s
#Add scheduler to run a another script called firmware
/system scheduler add disabled=no name=upgrade start-time=startup on-event=":delay 15s; /system script run firmware"
:delay 5s
/system reboot

If a run the script directly on terminal, it works (/system script run upgrade).
But if i run the script from a remote server via SSH, it doesn't work.
It refreshes the package list and download the packet but stop after download.

The script has all policies and user (that connect via ssh) is created like local account.

Anyone has an idea?


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