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Featre Request - SXT Lte Roaming

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:22 am
by wgrando1993

I buy the sxt lte, for the use in travel, out of my state, however the problem is, LTE SXT, isn't support ROAMING and not associate in tower and show me message PLMN searching in progress. all of the time.

Re: Featre Request - SXT Lte Roaming

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:53 pm
by normis
This is not because of roaming. The message means you don't have any band 3 or band 7 towers nearby. SXT LTE only works with band 3 and 7.

Re: Featre Request - SXT Lte Roaming

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:17 pm
by wgrando1993
Hmm, Ok, i understand, more this occours in all cenaries out of my region !
and roaming is implemented in LTE SXT ?

Re: Featre Request - SXT Lte Roaming

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:35 pm
by SalvatoreS
How are you?
Have you found a solution for SXT LTE to work on roaming? Here in Brazil I work with an operator that needs to be in the same local roaming and the equipment does not connect to this operator. Mikrotik presents the same message as you said. After a long time it even connects to the carrier but does not traffic data. All operators here in Brazil operate on band 7.
I tested with other operators' chips and they all worked perfectly.
What solution did you find?