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Metarouter not working on RB450G (6.37.3)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:22 pm
by expert
Hello, I'm trying to run metarouter on my RB450G, software version 6.37.3. Am I doing something wrongly?
[expert@rb] /metarouter> add name="test" memory-size=32
[expert@rb] /metarouter> console test 
[Ctrl-A is the prefix key]

Generating SSH 2048bit RSA host key...
Generating SSH 1024bit DSA host key...
Starting services...
info failed: std failure: timeout (13)

Re: Metarouter not working on RB450G (6.37.3)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:13 am
by KOK
I can confirm the exact same error with MetaROUTER in a 951G-2HnD, its a fresh install and the console shows exactly the same.. i've tried different configurations and I haven't been able to get MetaROUTER running.

I've used MetaROUTER before in several RB-450G so i have some experience with it.

Any advice?


Re: Metarouter not working on RB450G (6.37.3)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:58 pm
by KOK
I have a MetaROUTER running on a RB-450G and i've just upgrade it from 6.36 to the 6.37.3 version and now the MetaROUTER is not working.

There is a BUG with MetaROUTER in the 6.37.3 version. Now i have to netinstall the 6.36 version where MetaROUTER was working fine!

Any comments from MK Support?


Re: Metarouter not working on RB450G (6.37.3)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:05 am
by expert
It's supposedly fixed in 6.38rc47 ( ... 50#p572303 ).

Re: Metarouter not working on RB450G (6.37.3)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:26 am
by KOK
Yes! It seems like it! I've been testing the MetaROUTER feature in 6.38rc52 for almost 2 days now and I can confirm its working.

Thx expert!

Re: Metarouter not working on RB450G (6.37.3)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:39 am
by JulieHardy
There is a BUG with MetaROUTER in the 6.37.3 version. Now i have to netinstall the 6.36 version where MetaROUTER was working fine!