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2 sets of IP on same Interface how to access them??

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:06 am
by jhaycutexp
Hi guys,

I am very new to Mikrotik.. just started studying and been reading alot of materials and testing with my HAPlite

My question is how can I access an IP from an MT LAN address to another LAN(non mikrotik e.g. TPlink on my case)

Everything is going as planned.. I was able to access internet on both LAN and Wifi.. but the thing sirs is
when I am on the LAN side of the network.. I cant access machines connected to the TP Link Router.. in my case the CCTV of our house..

But when I am connected to the LAN of the TPlink router.. I can easily access the Mikrotik Router.. and easily ping clients on the MT Network

Heres my current setup..

What I am trying to achieve sir is to be able to access the CCTV even if I am not connected to the TPlink Router.. cause thats the only
way I can access the CCTV ip.. which is I cant even ping them..

But if I add the IP of the wifi on the IP>ROutes.. I can ping the TP link router.. but cant access/ping
the cctv ip.. no route to host.. thats the error..

Can you please enlighten me.. I am trying to absorb if I should NAT.. this.. but then theres forward.. I tried them..
but I have no success.. maybe theres something wrong with my configuration and network..

I know HapLite have a wifi capability.. but I opt not to use it..

also, theres availalbe slots on the MT router.. but also I opted not to use it.. I know its
easier if I just used the other ports on MT.. but I wanted to know if my setup is possible..



Re: 2 sets of IP on same Interface how to access them??

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:45 pm
by asghari
I think you have some miss configuration on the both side.
did you have default gateway on Mikrotik router?

Re: 2 sets of IP on same Interface how to access them??

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:56 pm
by Sob
It looks like exactly the same problem as in this thread to me.

Re: 2 sets of IP on same Interface how to access them??

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:32 pm
by acruhl
On the Mikrotik:

ip route add dst-address= gateway=

Better yet, bridge the TP link wifi to the switch and get rid of the subnet and dhcp server on the TP-link.

Also note that the TP link is not an access point. It's a router.

This is a classic situation where separating duties is appropriate. Wifi is really just a layer 2 activity and should be treated as such. Any wifi router can be used as a "real" access point, simply set a static IP within the subnet you want it in, disable the DHCP server, and don't plug into the "WAN" port. There you go, an instant access point.