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Lease script

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:13 am
by newbz
hey guys, sorry but i m not very good with mikrotik os, script etc :(
a friendly tech came and put this script

:local scriptComment "DHCPMakeStatic"
:global leaseBound
:global leaseServerName
:global leaseActMAC
:global leaseActIP

:set scriptComment ("+" . $scriptComment)

:if ($leaseBound = 1) do={
/ip dhcp-server lease {
:foreach x in=[/ip dhcp-server lease find] do={/ip dhcp-server lease make-static $x };
/ip dhcp-server lease set [find server=dhcp1] rate-limit="2M/20M"

} else={


i want to put some more things, i tried to look some video about mikrotik queue tree and others, but it was like my brain was melting slowly :D

if anyone can help me i woud like to add some part where i can setup the ratelmit of android and the ratelimit of two or thee statics ip,
i am inside a guesthouse with 16 rooms and i really need to setup the wifi a bit better :)
it is just i got no idea what to write and where

i am very thanks full if someone can help me about that


Re: Lease script

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:44 pm
by Sinan
I dont get what you want exactly !

Re: Lease script

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:11 am
by newbz
i want to write more lines inside the previous script i posted, i woud like to add some part where i can setup the ratelmit of android and the ratelimit of two or thee statics ip, When those asking for lease.