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Static dns record per interface

Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:21 pm

Hi to all,

I'm creating a particular setup where a server is present on different vlan with an ip per vlan, to communicate directly with the devices in that vlan, without passing from the gateway.
I want to know if there's any way to create a set of static DNS for the server, with the same name, but a different ip, based on the interface the request is coming from?

For example A for the vlan interface 1 A for the vlan interface 2

Or if there's any other "trick" :)
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Re: Static dns record per interface

Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:49 pm

AFAIK no, what RouterOS offers for DNS is only very basic stuff. And there doesn't seem to be much will to extend it. So for now, the only trick is to get external DNS server with more features.