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webcache breaks windowsupdate

Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:27 am

I've been running an MT-based webcache for a few weeks now with good results (tested with both web-proxy and webproxy-test, 2.9.30 and 2.9.32, I haven't updated since there has been no mentions of changes to these packages in the changelog). We're using this in a transparent mode (redirection occurring on the same box)

Basically windowsupdate will load, but when it goes to search for updates it will sit forever searching (the horizontal status bar goes around-and-around-and-around) instead of the typical 10-15 seconds to get a response and the next page to load. I've left it sitting like this for over 8 hours and it never moved past this point.

If I disable the redirection firewall it works fine.

Unluckily, windowsupdate is a significant percentage of our http traffic, and at this point I'm having to keep it disabled to let windowsupdate work.

Any ideas? I wouldn't mind the 'searching' windowsupdate process to skip the cache server, but I'd really rather have it pulling the bulk data (the update files) through the cache for the traffic savings.

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Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:48 pm

set this windowsupdate or whatever you want to pass your proxy by allowing it to connect directly.

this new MT proxy allows it. don't know about old package

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