Introduction to the dude?
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 8:32 am
The Dude is something i've been meaning to look at for a while. I have installed it and had a bit of a play, but I feel I should get some more focus rather than just randomly poking things and seeing what moves or bites back
Currently using NetXMS as a monitoring solution, but it's a bit more involved and fiddly than I care for and lacks some features I'd like. It - like most monitoring software - is geared more towards 'a' company monitoring its infrastructure. Rather than a IT solutions company monitoring a lot of other companies - meaning things aren't necessary setup the way we want, messy subnets, lot of overlapping subnets, often no direct access to their network and no VPN so things like subnet scanning from the core do not work (need remote agent scanning) etc etc, just a heck of a lot of devices with a heck of a lot of different setups. NetXMS agents can't do any scanning, only collect snmp stats on behalf of the core
One big benefit of The Dude is it can use mikrotiks to scan networks, and I can configure different scan intervals on those networks - absolutely ideal as we have a hugely varying amount of bandwidth among our clients so we can tailor updates for that
Some questions I have:
- Firstly, is there a good introductory series to getting familiar with The Dude? Wiki is too basic and doesn't guide me through what the dude can do and get a feel for it
- Can The Dude dynamically update links on maps? We have a lot of clients where we slowly migrate their network gear, replace all their crap, put MikroTik's in and set up management VPN's. I would love it if The Dude could automatically detect VPN's going up, draw lines showing them back to our HQ, to all their remote sites as they come online etc
- Can it deal with overlapping subnets? We have a lot of different clients that all use common private IP ranges, The Dude needs to be able to tell the difference between clients (Like specifying zones in NetXMS)
- Can it automatically make and update different maps for each client? I see that it can add devices, but it just puts an icon on the map, it doesn't draw any lines to it
- Can The Dude detect switches in the network? Show me which port a device is connected to and let me search for a device?. NetXMS is really good for this
Currently using NetXMS as a monitoring solution, but it's a bit more involved and fiddly than I care for and lacks some features I'd like. It - like most monitoring software - is geared more towards 'a' company monitoring its infrastructure. Rather than a IT solutions company monitoring a lot of other companies - meaning things aren't necessary setup the way we want, messy subnets, lot of overlapping subnets, often no direct access to their network and no VPN so things like subnet scanning from the core do not work (need remote agent scanning) etc etc, just a heck of a lot of devices with a heck of a lot of different setups. NetXMS agents can't do any scanning, only collect snmp stats on behalf of the core
One big benefit of The Dude is it can use mikrotiks to scan networks, and I can configure different scan intervals on those networks - absolutely ideal as we have a hugely varying amount of bandwidth among our clients so we can tailor updates for that
Some questions I have:
- Firstly, is there a good introductory series to getting familiar with The Dude? Wiki is too basic and doesn't guide me through what the dude can do and get a feel for it
- Can The Dude dynamically update links on maps? We have a lot of clients where we slowly migrate their network gear, replace all their crap, put MikroTik's in and set up management VPN's. I would love it if The Dude could automatically detect VPN's going up, draw lines showing them back to our HQ, to all their remote sites as they come online etc
- Can it deal with overlapping subnets? We have a lot of different clients that all use common private IP ranges, The Dude needs to be able to tell the difference between clients (Like specifying zones in NetXMS)
- Can it automatically make and update different maps for each client? I see that it can add devices, but it just puts an icon on the map, it doesn't draw any lines to it
- Can The Dude detect switches in the network? Show me which port a device is connected to and let me search for a device?. NetXMS is really good for this