Anyone limiting connections to / from there users? I've implemented 101 connections per IP on my wireless network but these seems not enough for one or two users!
Some agressive p2p clients can generate more than 200 connections per user. TCP connection limit is actual, when p2p is not allowd in your network, because enabled p2p does not allow to plan average connections per users. E.g. one client using bittorent client can generate more than 1000 simultaneous connections, etc.
what do you mean by `not enough`, what does the client tell you, that he has a few hundred browswer windows open? it's obviously some serious P2P network running there. tell him to shut it off an 100 connections will be enough actually 20 is fine for most users, even if they use p2p
They use Skype - which I'm told by the user drops out... I've other users using SIP VOIP and further from the wired gateway having no problems at all. I think that they also use p2p as well.
Looking at my OS X version of Skype there seems no way of limiting the number of connections.
Thanks Normis, what is the easiest way to count the number of connections from a certain IP? I can use Torch in winbox but must count the connections myself from the screen...
We limit all our customers to a total of 40 connections; 20 inbound and 20 outbound.
The only time we see a problem with this is when they are over-running connections using some p2p application like bittorrent, or if they have a virus-infected PC.
Even the most aggressive "normal" user rarely goes above 20 or 25 total simultaneous connections.