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Radius authentication for hotspot

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:34 am
by aneip
I try to use Mikrotik as hotspot gateway. I have the question format that mikrotik send to radius for password.

When debugging the the freeradius, I can see the request for password is like

User-Password = '~\025\014Α\002\236\256\272F/\273b\351\014('

what format is that? when I use radtest, the radius receive normal plain text.

User-Password = 'MAC'

Problem is radius is rejecting the request, even the password is correct.

Re: Radius authentication for hotspot

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:51 pm
by yogender
Have you checked that the shared secret is right?
This happens generally when shared secret is not same on both ends(NAS and radius server)