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No LTE interface HUAWEI ME909s-120 In RB411UAHR

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:17 pm
by Rowan
Hi all,

Looking for some help! Been using a Sierra Wireless MC7700 in my RB411UAHR, which is good for HSDPA in UK and up to LTE in North America, but no good for LTE in EMEA regions (need MC7710 for that which is not available any more).

So logically checked LTE list on Mikrotik wiki - oh good, the HUAWEI ME909s-120 is supported and available cheap from Latvia.

Plugged into PCIE slot - NOTHING!!
 # DEVICE VENDOR                   NAME                   SPEED                  
 0 2:1    Linux 3.3.5 ohci_hcd     RB400 OHCI             12 Mbps                
 1 1:1    Linux 3.3.5 ehci_hcd     RB400 EHCI             480 Mbps  
Tried changing Boot Delay to 5s as suggested elsewhere.

Running Version 6.38.5 (Stable), but also tried 6.39rc62 (Release candidate) with no luck.
Firmware version is 11.617.01.00.00

Was really hoping for plug and play as I am taking it to Cadiz for work this weekend and wanted full LTE speed to test as potential solution.

I do have a USB>PCIE adaptor, so I can use it on laptop fine.

Has anyone else had this issue?

Any ideas?

Re: No LTE interface HUAWEI ME909s-120 In RB411UAHR

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:13 pm
by Rowan
Just downgraded to v6.28 since that's what the Wiki says works - still nothing!
# DEVICE VENDOR                   NAME                   SPEED                  
 0 2:1    Linux 3.3.5 ohci_hcd     RB400 OHCI             12 Mbps                
 1 1:1    Linux 3.3.5 ehci_hcd     RB400 EHCI             480 Mbps  

Re: No LTE interface HUAWEI ME909s-120 In RB411UAHR

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:42 pm
by Rowan
Hmm, dug out my old RB751G-2HnD
 # DEVICE VENDOR                                                                             NAME                                                                           SPEED                                                                          
 0 1:1    Linux 3.3.5 ehci_hcd                                                               RB400 EHCI                                                                     480 Mbps                                                                       
 1 1:2    Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.                                                      HUAWEI Mobile V7R11                                                            480 Mbps   
Fires up right of the bat, chuck in DHCP client on LTE and I'm off. Using USB to PCI-E adaptor!
     pin-status: no password required
      functionality: full
       manufacturer: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
              model: ME909s-120
           revision: 11.617.01.00.00
   current-operator: 3
     current-cellid: 2189313
  access-technology: Evolved 3G (LTE)
               imei: 8xxxxxxxxxxxxxx0
               imsi: 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxx3
               uicc: 8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9
  subscriber-number: "My Number","+44xxxxxxxxxxx7",145
               rssi: -77dBm
               rsrp: -110dBm
               rsrq: -13dB
               sinr: -2dB
Seems as though the router marketed as ideal for using with LTE has an issue!