Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:19 pm
I would also appreciate help from the Mikrotik folks on this, even if the official documentation is not done. I am moving from a netgear gss116e switch with several vlans and a couple of trunked ports. From the earlier documents I could figure out how to match my setup, but with the new UI, it's not clear to me at all.
My setup on the netgear is (using 802.1Q screens):
ports 1-4,sfp1,sfp2, VLAN=1, untagged, pvid=1
ports 5-8, VLAN=10, untagged, pvid=10
ports 9,10, VLAN=10, 400,401,402,403,404, tagged, pvid=10 (trunk ports)
ports 11-14, VLAN=5, untagged, pvid=5
ports 15,16, VLAN=5, tagged, pvid=5
Any pointers on how to replicate this on SwOS 2.0? FYI, this is someone elses design, so I can't answer why things are the way they are, only that it works on the netgear.
The main reason I'm using the css326-24g-2s+rm is for the 10G SFP ports which is used for iSCSI traffic to sync two virtual SANs. Up until now, I have to run both switches, using the css326 to link the 10G ports and the netgear for all the other gigabit ports.
Any help appreciated.