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Guest network isolation
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:10 am
by whipp
Hi, I have just bought my first Mikrotik hap ac lite and I would like to aks how do i make isolated guest wifi?
I have used quick set option to manage guest wifi ssid and psw, can somebody guide me what should be the next step?
Thank you.
Re: Guest network isolation
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:43 am
by Sob
I never tried guest wifi config in QuickSet (in fact, I didn't even know it was there), but since it is there, doesn't it already do what you want?
Re: Guest network isolation
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:29 pm
by whipp
I am not sure, will try to find what does it exactly set when quick setup is used.
Re: Guest network isolation
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:40 pm
by pe1chl
Well, as you can see it makes a virtual wlan interface with different SSID.
I would hope it also creates another bridge with separate DHCP server and NAT to internet, and no routing to the normal network.
When it does not (and puts the guest wifi in the same bridge as the normal one) you can manually correct that.
Re: Guest network isolation
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:22 pm
by erlinden
I configured different VLAN's to isolate my guest network from my normal network. This way both my Unifi accesspoints and my wAP ac can be easibly configured to support different networks. Indeed, virtual wlans connected to a specific VLAN.