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info bliss radius + whmcs

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:38 pm
by wurstel
someone use or try to use blissradius+whmcs?
i would like to change dmasoftlab radius because it hasn't dhcp server and integrate amministrative program with radius.
i found this but I don't know if is good.
someone use them?
thank you

Re: info bliss radius + whmcs

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:28 pm
by n21roadie
+1 to above

Re: info bliss radius + whmcs

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:30 pm
by rick4321
We have Blissradius Embeded working on our test network / dev WHMCS instance and are preparing to deploy it on a very limited basis in the field. So far, the program itself seems fine, but we're still using the demo.

Getting it fully working was a little bit choppy, but that was mostly due to my lack of experience using hotspot & radius. I think if you are familiar with mikrotik's hotspot feature and DHCP forwarding if needed, that it probably should be pretty simple to get up and running quickly.