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suggestion customer AS

Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:42 am

We are a wisp and one of my customer want to announce his ipv4 classes and have his AS number.
he had all with ripe and now have As number and /22 ipv4.
I must set his bgp router.
How can i do the config?
must have route full table?
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Re: suggestion customer AS

Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:58 am

I'm assuming you have an AS number as well and are doing BGP with at least 1 other person upstream correct?

If so, you'll need to peer with the customers router (define the peer) and then you can choose what routes you send to his router. Some customers may want all routes, others may want only a default route and then others still want some mix in between. After you are peered with them you will receive their /22 from them. You then get to decide if you want to pass that route along to your upstreams. You may need them to adjust any filters they have set on you from their side to make sure it is repeated correctly out to the greater Internet.

Here in the US it common for the very large ISPs to have basically 3 sets of routes they send to their customer peers. All Internet routes, Default route only, Default route and routes local to the ISP only.
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Re: suggestion customer AS

Tue May 02, 2017 8:17 pm

I'm assuming you have an AS number as well and are doing BGP with at least 1 other person upstream correct?

If so, you'll need to peer with the customers router (define the peer) and then you can choose what routes you send to his router. Some customers may want all routes, others may want only a default route and then others still want some mix in between. After you are peered with them you will receive their /22 from them. You then get to decide if you want to pass that route along to your upstreams. You may need them to adjust any filters they have set on you from their side to make sure it is repeated correctly out to the greater Internet.

Here in the US it common for the very large ISPs to have basically 3 sets of routes they send to their customer peers. All Internet routes, Default route only, Default route and routes local to the ISP only.
thanks for the answer.
I do the peering and work (i see his prefix) but I can't propagate to his router the full table. He has in bgp router 2 ISP so I must propagate tje full table right?
if I try to update the route table router is freezing and i can't ping it. I must disable and enable our peering.
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Re: suggestion customer AS

Tue May 02, 2017 8:35 pm

He has in bgp router 2 ISP so I must propagate tje full table right?
No. Read the above post again.
if I try to update the route table router is freezing and i can't ping it. I must disable and enable our peering.
Not enough information. By freezing do you mean it actually locks up and needs to be reloaded or is just unreachable?


Why don't you diagram up what you want are trying to do and we can get you there. Right now your description is too vague.
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Re: suggestion customer AS

Sun May 14, 2017 11:58 pm

Add a peer at bgp menu and setup dedicated route filter for your customer and prefix, everything will be worked.