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Please help with Mangle Rule and TTL=1

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:30 pm
by VlanLearner
Hello Insider :-) ,
can you please help me with a Mangle rule and their correct order? I use a Mikrotik (RB1100AHx29) WITHOUT NAT. As a small protection against private hotspot / tethering I would like to set the TTL value for all VLANs to 1 (TTL=1). Only the AdminVlan should still be able to operate with subnets etc.
Here are my rules:

1. / ip firewall mangle Add action = change-ttl chain = forward comment = "Permit private Hotspot on Admin-VLAN - set TTL=128" disabled = no in-interface = adminvlan new-ttl = set: 128 passthrough = no
2. / ip firewall mangle Add action = change-ttl chain = forward comment = "Block private Hotspot on All-VLAN - set TTL=1" disabled = no in-interface = all vlans new-ttl = set: 1 passthrough = no

Now my two question:
1. Is the Mangle rule correct? (-> no NAT!)
2. Is the order correct?

Looking forward to every reply and every tip!

Many Thanks,

P.S. Sorry for my bad english - it is a google translation

Re: Please help with Mangle Rule and TTL=1

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 9:55 pm
by VlanLearner
..... is there anybody out there?
