I recently bought a hex router to take benefit on its comparably huge amount of RAM. 32/64MB with single CPU model (various 951) had poor performance with long filter lists in firewall and proxy...
Now I am facing a new challenge with hex 16MB flash size. As opposed to my initial assumption the hex device does not have 16MB flash free, but more like 1.5MB
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[admin@fw-a156563] > /system resource print
uptime: 26m48s
version: 6.39.1 (stable)
build-time: May/03/2017 08:17:10
factory-software: 6.36.1
free-memory: 211.6MiB
total-memory: 256.0MiB
cpu: MIPS 1004Kc V2.15
cpu-count: 4
cpu-frequency: 880MHz
cpu-load: 0%
free-hdd-space: 1504.0KiB
total-hdd-space: 16.0MiB
write-sect-since-reboot: 129
write-sect-total: 35446
bad-blocks: 0%
architecture-name: mmips
board-name: hEX
platform: MikroTik
[admin@fw-a156563] > /file print
0 flash disk jan/01/1970 02:00:01
1 disk1 disk jan/01/1970 02:00:03
2 flash/skins directory jan/01/1970 02:00:02
3 flash/fw-a156563-20170524-2011.backup backup 2610.8KiB may/24/2017 20:11:14
[admin@fw-a156563] >
Uploading to the flash did not work. Uploading to the RAM disk worked, but did not install. OK, obvious: Not enough space on flash.
Even if I remove the configuration backup it is not enough space.
Next idea: Remove packages that I don't need
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[admin@fw-a156563] > /system package pri
Flags: X - disabled
0 routeros-mmips 6.39.1
1 system 6.39.1
2 X ipv6 6.39.1
3 X wireless 6.39.1
4 X hotspot 6.39.1
5 dhcp 6.39.1
6 X mpls 6.39.1
7 X routing 6.39.1
8 ppp 6.39.1
9 security 6.39.1
10 advanced-tools 6.39.1
[admin@fw-a156563] >
What could be the way forward? How do I get enough space to install the packages I need? Honestly I have no idea.
Either I am missing a point or the idea of only 16MB flash or it is a unreasonable functional limitation.
Best Regards