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RB Metal 2SHPN wlan interface suddenly disappear

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:35 am
by iputupremaananda
Hi, today I have really big problem with my RB Metal 2

I just purchased it two weeks ago, and it has been running on a tower for almost one week now. But last night, the metal just rebooted for no reason at all and in the log it shows "Kernel failure on previous boot". Then I checked the interfaces and surprisingly the WLAN interface disappeared!. The system > resources > pci also shows nothing. Already netinstalled it, didn't work. Downgrading to 6.29.1 didn't work. Upgrading to 6.40rc15 didn't work either. Please help me out! Thanks. Supout file already attached..

Re: RB Metal 2SHPN wlan interface suddenly disappear

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:14 pm
by mistry7
This is an RMA case.