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BUG: (another one) ipsec policy netmask

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:11 pm
by Uwe
Another bug, causing some of our scripts to fail:

Generally an iP address with netmask can be entered via CLI like this, for example setting the IP address:
/ip address
add address= interface=bridge
add address= interface=bridge
Starting with 6.39.1 this doesn't work with ipsec policy anymore:
/ip ipsec policy
add dst-address= level=unique proposal=default sa-dst-address= sa-src-address= src-address= tunnel=yes
invalid value for argument src-address:
    value of prefix6 must have IPv6 address before '/'
    value of prefix4 must have number address after '/'
Entering netmask in the form /24 instead of still works.
Seems that only ipsec policy is affected by this bug.

Please correct.

Re: BUG: (another one) ipsec policy netmask

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:15 pm
by mrz
SrcAddress ::= Prefix6 | Prefix4
Prefix4 ::= A.B.C.D/M (IP prefix)
Prefix6 ::= IPv6/0..128 (IPv6 prefix)

Policy does not support windows-like netmasks.

Re: BUG: (another one) ipsec policy netmask

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:43 pm
by Uwe
Hi mrz,

thank you for your reply, but this worked until 6.38.5

Is your answer (definition of prefix) specified somewhere in the documentation?


Re: BUG: (another one) ipsec policy netmask

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:43 am
by petrushka
Hi guys, having the same issue with adding this line, it won't accept dst address:

/ip ipsec policy add src-address= dst-address= sa-src-address= sa-dst-address= tunnel=yes action=encrypt proposal=default

invalid value for argument dst-address:
value of prefix6 must have IPv6 address before '/'
value of prefix4 must have number address after '/'

/ip ipsec policy add src-address= dst-address=24/ sa-src-address= sa-dst-address= tunnel=yes action=encrypt proposal=default

invalid value for argument dst-address:
value of prefix6 must have IPv6 address before '/'
value of prefix4 must have ip address before '/'

Anything wrong there???

ROS 6.47.4


Re: BUG: (another one) ipsec policy netmask

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:31 pm
by sindy
Why do you need the ":any"?

Re: BUG: (another one) ipsec policy netmask

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:19 am
by petrushka
Oh, don't know, just tried to play with some wiki sample

Thank you