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LDF 5 using a satellite dish

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:11 am
by akieni
I live in a city that has a sea of satellite dishes on rooftops. Most of the satellite dish look toward the sky and on the east side of the town... I would like to take advantage of the existing satellite dishes in the area to promote the LDF 5 to my customers.
But I am a little worried about the satellite dish position since they all looking (tilt) toward the sky to receive satellite tv channels..
My questions are:
1- Will the LDF 5 suffer some interference if mounted on the same satellite dish with a LNB head ?
2- Will the wifi work downward towards clients or will the wifi signal go to the sky (smile...)..
Thanks a lot..

Re: LDF 5 using a satellite dish

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:19 am
by ndor
1. No. And you can not fit both devices in the antenna focus .
2. Yes.......the signal go to the sky , if you don't redirect the dish on the desired direction .

Re: LDF 5 using a satellite dish

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:30 pm
by jarda
The dish is just a reflector. If the azimuth and elevation is close to their orientation, you can place the lhg in the right opposite place to catch the reflections. But it will be extremely complicated...

Re: LDF 5 using a satellite dish

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:34 pm
by macpacheco
I purchased new 60cm satellite dish antennas. Had to mount the dish itself upside down and the safety pin must now be outside the shaft.
Without this I always get something like 20-30 degrees upward angle minimum.
But after that I was richly rewarded. On one link I achieved -29 to -33 db signal ! And because the dish gain is focused on a much narrower slice of the sky, the noise is something like 15 to 20dB better, achieving -122dB on higher frequencies !
As a result I got speeds so high the fast ethernet interface is now the bottleneck for applications where bursts are mostly one way.

Re: LDF 5 using a satellite dish

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:29 pm
by pe1chl
The mounting of the dish for zero elevation can be a problem, but you can sometimes solve it by mounting
the dish sideways on a horizontal tube (e.g. balcony or a sidemount on the vertical mast).