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2 isp connection
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:38 pm
by biting77
hi all, i have a problem, i have 2 isp connection and i want to use both of them in mk so if 1 isp is down then the other take the route and when both of them available i need mk as load balancing. any one has done this with mk???
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:34 pm
by cmit
I suppose you have two different ISPs and are not willing or in the position to use BGP...
You can do load balancing by entering two (or more) gateways in the routing table/default route. You can do "weighted" load-balancing by entering a gateway address several times, so a default gateway of ",," should send out two third of your traffic to, and one third to
This setup doesn't take into account that one uplink could be unavailable. In this case you would create big packet loss, as the router still would try to send out packets over a "dead" uplink.
To get around this you could use the "/tool netwatch" utility to monitor the two uplinks and use scripting to rewrite your default route accordingly.
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:34 pm
by normis
just set two gateways like this :
/ip route add gateway=,
see more in the `routes` manual of RouterOS
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:04 pm
by Eugene
Load balancing with failover is documented in the following manual: ... ent#11.2.4
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:34 pm
by cheinzle
have you consdered not just how traffic will be routed out, but also how it will come back to you? Do you have a /24 or larger from one or both upstream ISPs?.
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:39 am
by gianluca
if you use public IPs, how do you use 2 ISPs without bgp ?
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:57 pm
by nhalachev
if you use public IPs, how do you use 2 ISPs without bgp ?
With policy routing.
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:13 pm
by gianluca
Yes I know, with route ploicy, but if I have public IPs from 1 provider (and don't have ngp) how can I route these IPs to a second one (that of course cannot annouce the IPs since they dont belongs to him) ???
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:29 am
by ssteele
ummmmm... you lost me unfortunately... everyone keeps saying to "simply" add 2 gateways....
for example /ip route add gateway=,2.2.2
my cable modem provider gave me 2 cable modems with static ip's but only 1 gateway .... how am i supposed to enter 2 gateways when they only gave me one gateway address ??????/
Static IP(s) Assigned:
Subnet Mask:
please help me to understand this....
Sheldon Steele
Load Balanacing and MSN messenger
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:43 pm
by nazemg
When i activate load balancing (/ip route add gateway=,, on the mikrotik MSN Messenger starts to connect and disconnect randomly especially with wireless clients.
Does any one know how i can solve this problem
Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:56 pm
by blue
Hi, have same problem as ssteele:
My ISP give me through DHCP "static" address:
1#wifi NIC:
IP: 213.244.217.xx1/24
2# wifi NIC:
IP: 213.244.217.xx2/24
As You can see, both wifi have same GW. Is there any chance to double my Internet connection with some kind of balancing or something else?
Thanx... blue...
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:28 am
by blue
OK, I need opinion on this kind of solution:
One machine with two wifi cards and two lan cards. Both wifi cards toward ISP with the DHCP addresses i already gave. Two lan cards with these IP:
First wifi and first lan in VLAN1, and second wifi and second lan in VLAN2
Second machine with three lan cards. First and second lan cards connected to the first machines lan cards and they have the folowing IP:
Third lan card is for local LAN and IP for this card is
Gateway on second machine is,
My opinion is that this kind of solution will work. And your opinion is...?
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:46 pm
by Giepie
Hi there! I have a very similar question, but mine being more about making my inbound pipe larger than using another isp as backup. I have tried before, but it didn't really work. I am using ADSL for bandwidth. I had a wireless link from a friend with an "backup" idea. I managed to dial-up to both at the same time, but ONLY the one line had traffic flowing over it. My ADSL is only a 512k pipe. We are slowly but surely running out of bandwidth. Now I want to have an extra 512k pipe installed. Is there a way to join or mangle (I think its called) the 2x 512k lines together to form a 1mb pipe?
I would also like to have the second line for if the first one dies or vice versa.
Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:04 am
by normis
it is not possible with mikrotik at this time. load balancing or policy routing only
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:43 am
by Giepie
Hi! I have spoken to a friend of mine who is extremely good on FreeBSD, Perl, PHP etc. He told me he can do it on the MT. Aparently all you neeed to do is setup a rule for every IP address. In some cases you will have a static public IP for your connection, then it is easy. But in our current situation we do not get static IP's. He said we will have to setup a route for any possible IP our ISP might give us. Our range is, and Just thought Id let you know, maybe it can solve someone else's problem too.