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acessing equipment between 2 bonded routers

Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:10 pm

Hello all, I am working on increasing bandwidth / providing failover out to one of my POPs and am looking at the Mikrotik bonding as a way to do this. I am using 2 third party radio links which give me ethernet connections on both ends. I have the bonding setup and working fine on my bench, but I have some questions about being able to access the radio equipment.

Currently I just have 2 ethernet interfaces of the mikrotik set as slaves in the bonding interface using Bonding rr, then the bonding interface has an IP Address on each end. I have tried putting the radio equipment into the same subnet as the bonded interface, but I have about 50% packet loss to the radio equipment, which makes sense with the bonding rr setup.

Is there something that I'm missing/need to add in setting up the bonded interface so that the equipment that sits between the routers is always accessible. Or is the only solution to use Tunnels to to get the traffic between the routers?

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Re: acessing equipment between 2 bonded routers

Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:05 am

i have the same question. help here please
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Re: acessing equipment between 2 bonded routers

Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:38 pm

i have the same question. help here please
I have the same question. Can someone help us?
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Re: acessing equipment between 2 bonded routers

Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:37 am

it seems bond nature is for having nothing but wires in between bonded devices. My experience in wireless bondig was very bad when using rr mode (Balance-rr is the only mode that will send packets across multiple interfaces that belong to the same TCP/IP connection.) Rest of modes seems working well.