Hi all. I tried to search previous discussions but those are pointing to requests different from mine.
So after discovering ssh tunneling some years ago, I used it frequently for quick connections (I know that setting up a VPN would be better, but I want something quick and not permanent). Nevertheless sometimes I would like to connect to a remote computer from one or more system. Say, the target is T and I have the source S1 and S2 that want to connect to T, to a specific port, through a SSH tunnel.
What I figured is: If I make a ssh tunnel on the mikrotik, and expose the port, say, 3800, I can connect to this port from S1 and S2 so I connect directly to T . So my plan was to use something like:
ssh host -p port -L routerOsIpOnLan:port:targetIP:port
on the mikrotik but it seems that it is not possible to extablish forwardings from routerOS itself. Is that true?
Should I download some "advanced" package?
If it is true, I need to combine routeros with openwrt, to solve the need. If the need becomes permanent, then, I'll make a VPN.