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Feature request - Add Existing device to the map

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 1:35 pm
by eriitguy
Dear Mikrotik team,

Please review a possibility to add Existing device to the another or same map.

For example:
We may have a main map with all our devices and some of them may be added to another maps/submaps in order to maintain topology.
In such case we should be able to do: + --> Add Existing device --> Select device.
1. Only one devices is polled.
2. Setting will be changed on one device. All changes made on shadow, should be applied on existing device.
3. Deleting shadow should not affect main device.

Thank you!
Feature request list for Dude v6

Re: Feature request - Add Existing device to the map

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:08 pm
by aoakeley
> Please review a possibility to add Existing device to the another or same map.
I would just settle for "add existing device to any map"

Maybe I am mistaken, but I just setup The Dude. Added in half a dozen devices in the device list, but cant find any way to then add them to a map once I have created them. Glad I did not add in a few hundred before creating maps.

If I create them on the map, they then appear in the devices list, but if I create one in the device list first there is no way to add it to any map. Am I missing something?