Depends on where you are logging the information, and how your network is setup. MAC addresses are layer2 information and do not pass a layer3 hop. So if your web server is not on the same LAN segment as the user, the web server will never see the MAC address, just the IP address the connection requests are coming from. Web servers also do not log MAC addresses, as they are layer7 concepts (applications), and will only log an IP address of a connection.
If you are logging MAC addresses at the router level where this user is connected from, then yes you can see his MAC, and log his connections. Keep in mind however that changing/spoofing one's MAC address is very easy to do, so blocking someone's MAC address will only really stop a casual attacker. Anyone else, it will only very minimally slow them down. Also if you do know the MAC address of the user, you should be able to track them back to a specific AP or switch port assuming you are using managed equipment. This once again depends on your network setup, and the hardware that you have.
ok, i will have to be continuosly monitoring this mf. jaja
last thing i have to do.. i have to open port 443 in mikrotik to see a web page in my windows server.. how can i do that? thank you so much.