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DHCP Server for Cable Modem CPE

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:04 pm
by quemlar
Hello Folks,

At the moment we use ISCDHCP server for CPE DHCP on a docsis cable network.
This is how it works:
[*]The CMTS forwards the DHCP discover from the CPE device to the DHCP server. Let's say the GiAddr is
[*][The ISCDHCP server has several shared networks configured under the network via An address can be assigned from any of the pools defined under the shared-network
[*][The MAC address of the Cable modem is also written to the lease file, this is dhcp option 82
[*]The DISCOVER will request the following paramaters: SubnetMask, HostDomain,Domain-Name,Address-Time,Server-Id,Classid

Here is a snippet from ISCDHCP server config.

Has anybody used RouterOS in conjunction with DHCP relay on a Cable Network CMTS?
