Hi, running bandwidth tests with and without connecting to remote AHx2 from local RB2011-UiAS-2Hnd
/tools => bandwidth test running from the Local RB2011UiAS-2Hnd:
/tools => bandwidth test running from the remote AHx2:
AHx2 CPU: 1% when running bandwidth tests
AHx2 Internet Connection: 1GB DL/ 50MB UL
RB2011 CPU: 39% when running tests
RB2011 Internet Connection: 100MB DL/ 10MB UL
Need much better D/L via VPN. The MT hAP AC was suggested as a replacement but the CPU power between the local RB2011 and the hAP AC is not significant. I don't think the hAP AC will be able to produce that much better results.
Wondering if anyone has suggestions to get better bandwidth results via VPN