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Subnet Burstable Bandwidth Howto

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:03 pm
by arushalink
I am limiting bandwidth for my users by adding a single rule in simple queue for each users ip. That is as follows:

1 name="user1" target-address= dst-address=
interface=all queue=default priority=8 limit-at=36000/36000
max-limit=36000/36000 burst-limit=128000/128000
burst-threshold=36000/36000 burst-time=100/100

This means if I have 200 users I will have 200 rules on simple queue. Now since Mikrotik has more than what I knw. Please give me alternative way to put just one rule that will serve the whole subnet and give the same effect in terms of limiting and bursting as the above sample rule. I have heard of PCQ but have never been able to make it work on my application.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:42 pm
by edzix
you're right, you have to use PCQ. Have you seen examples available in the documentation: ... t# ... nt#12.2.13


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:50 am
by arushalink
I have tried the examples and the result slowed down my clients even more. This is what I did.

ip firewall mangle:

130 src-address= action=accept mark-flow=all

queue type:

6 name="PCQ-Download" kind=pcq bfifo-limit=15000 pfifo-limit=50 red-limit=60
red-min-threshold=10 red-max-threshold=50 red-burst=20 sfq-perturb=5
sfq-allot=1514 pcq-rate=36000 pcq-limit=50 pcq-classifier=dst-address

7 name="PCQ-Upload" kind=pcq bfifo-limit=15000 pfifo-limit=50 red-limit=60
red-min-threshold=10 red-max-threshold=50 red-burst=20 sfq-perturb=5
sfq-allot=1514 pcq-rate=36000 pcq-limit=50 pcq-classifier=src-address

queue tree:

4 name="queue2" parent=Local flow=all limit-at=0 queue=PCQ-Download
priority=8 max-limit=0 burst-limit=128000 burst-threshold=36000

5 name="queue4" parent=Public flow=all limit-at=0 queue=PCQ-Upload
priority=8 max-limit=0 burst-limit=128000 burst-threshold=36000

Please advice if I am doing write or there is a mistake.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:36 am
by Roman
I have tried the examples and the result slowed down my clients even more. This is what I did.
4 name="queue2" parent=Local flow=all limit-at=0 queue=PCQ-Download
priority=8 max-limit=0 burst-limit=128000 burst-threshold=36000

5 name="queue4" parent=Public flow=all limit-at=0 queue=PCQ-Upload
priority=8 max-limit=0 burst-limit=128000 burst-threshold=36000
try to remove burst-(limit|count|threshold) from queue tree

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:29 pm
by arushalink
Thanks but bursting is the main issue. Otherwise the simple queue for each user ip works ok with burst. I only need a simple rule that will apply for the whole subnet.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:50 pm
by Roman
then you have to use max-limit and limit-at

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:58 am
by arushalink
I have added the max-limit but still the same problem. I have a feeling that there is some rules in hotspot setup and NAT which are preventing the mangle rule for pcq. Please assist if u have any idea.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:34 pm
by rz8168
Use PCQ which I've did to my clients. Don't use MAX-Limit, because it will apply to whole flow instead of per client wise. Also, bursting won't be supported as far as I concerned.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:20 pm
by Roman
Don't use MAX-Limit, because it will apply to whole flow instead of per client wise. Also, bursting won't be supported as far as I concerned.
simply set max-limit and limit-at to the speed of your connection (or bandwidth you want to allow your users to use)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:51 am
by gianluca
with PCQ there is no way to have burst. you have to use queue tree and make a rule per IP, then you can use the burst option on a deafult queue type.