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[solved] Bridge, CPE or CapsMan, other solution ?

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:04 pm
by costel
Hello all!

For home, I use an RB850Gx2 for ethernet connections and an mAP L-2nD for wireless.
Which is the best solution to "bond" them together in one single network IP class ?

Right now, RB850Gx2, for LAN, have assigned and, in this local network, is assigned to mAP L-2nD which, on wireless, create it's own network
I want that mAP L-2nD to not have his own network, both equipment to be on IP range.

First I tought about CPE mode on mAP L-2nD, but this config connect to a wireless network, and extend it, as far I understand. I need to "extend" ethernet port throu wireless, not another wireless network.
Second option is to disable DHCP on mAP L-2nD assign IP to wlan1 interface and, by DHCP relay, use DHCP server from RB850Gx2. I don't need many IPs available to wireless use.
Third option: It is possible to use capsman on RB850Gx2 and controll mAP L-2nD ?

I am interested to best solution because I intend to access NAS server from laptop to backup data often, (only wireless available), so speed and efficiency is important.
I am open to suggestions. Thank you!

Re: Bridge, CPE or CapsMan, other solution ?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:27 pm
by poizzon
on mAP L-2nD :

disable all firewall rules
set static ip adrress
disable dhcp
bridge all ports


Re: Bridge, CPE or CapsMan, other solution ?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:39 pm
by costel
So, the second option. Didn't think about disabling firewall rules. I'll try tomorrow and report back.

Thank you!

Re: [solved] Bridge, CPE or CapsMan, other solution ?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:23 pm
by costel
It is working. Thank you!
But it would be a lot easier if default dhcp settings included at least a gateway... I lost a lot of time diagnosing this problem.