The MikroTik Router have a very simple configuration ie. bridging between ether1 and wlan1 and one IP address assigned to bridge1.
Workstation<-->Switch-->Mikrotik Router<-->Wireless Link<-->Access Point
I cannot reach the access point from the workstation and vice versa.
I can see the arp list over every wireless connections associated in the access point from my wired workstation, but I cannot even ping them.

I can also ping every wireless clients from the MikroTik router.
I can probably solve the problem by the following solution, but my intention was to only use one MikroTik router.

Workstation<-->Switch-->Mikrotik Router<-->Wireless Link<-->MikroTik Router<-->Access Point
Any hints why clients associated with the access point cannot be bridged through MikroTiks wireless interface would be appreciated.