I can not deal with Bonding between C3750 and MikroTik ver. 6.33.3 which I use as a hub for PPPoE clients. Has anyone done similar things at home and whether it is worth it or better to immediately invest in a 10Gbps card.
Below I am describing the config:
interface FastEthernet0 / 19
switchport trunk allowed vlan XX XX XX
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 3 mode active
channel-protocol lacp
interface FastEthernet0 / 20
switchport trunk allowed vlan XX XX XX
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 3 mode active
channel-protocol lacp
On MT I have:
name = "bonding" mtu = 1500 mac-address = 00: 0C: 42: 38: B5: 7D arp = enabled
slaves = ether6, ether5 mode = 802.3ad primary = none link-monitoring = mii
arp-interval = 100ms arp-ip-targets = mii-interval = 100ms
down-delay = 0ms up-delay = 0ms lacp-rate = 30secs
transmit-hash-policy = layer-2-and-3 min-links = 0
If someone was making link aggregation on similar hardware, I would be grateful for any tips
because in the current configuration, only one card is moving. In case when I have MT
ballanced on the CISCO chanel-group 3 mode on the movement spreads evenly only on the Tx side