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Setting UP Router and wAP without my ISP

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:46 am
by rubolf
Hello, can anyone help me im using RB750r2 and configuring it to use my wAP. So i can test my hotspot login page and also to know the configuration from the start
the problem is I cannot see the wAP ac in winbox only the router RB750r2. also i cant configure my router is it because i dont use my ISP? I want to manual config it local not connecting in ISP.

Note that i reset the device both.

Re: Setting UP Router and wAP without my ISP

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:37 am
by rubolf
I check the specs of RB750r2 and it doesn't have wireless. so that means it doesn't support wAP AC?

Re: Setting UP Router and wAP without my ISP

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 12:40 pm
by erlinden
For setting up a router you don't need an ISP. You should connect both computer and wAP AC with a cable and configure as you wish.
I check the specs of RB750r2 and it doesn't have wireless. so that means it doesn't support wAP AC?
I assume you can connect the both with cable? Please check Capsman: