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Allow per ip and protocol traffic inside ipsec vpn

Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:06 pm


I have an ipsec vpn configured between two Mikrotiks. Everything is working normally, having traffic coming and going from both sides with no issues. What I need to do now, is to filter the traffic in order to allow specific IP's and protocols to be allowed inside the tunnel, in contrast to what I have today, that all ip range and protocols are allowed.
Any help on the matter will be great.

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Re: Allow per ip and protocol traffic inside ipsec vpn

Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:59 pm


Do you use bare ipsec? If so, you would want to filter as usual in the forward chain of filter table, on what is allowed to go out to/come in from ipsec.
Ipsec processing is implemented after firewall filter for outgoing and before it for incoming.
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Re: Allow per ip and protocol traffic inside ipsec vpn

Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:24 pm

Sorry Sebastian, I don't quite understand what you mean by bare ipsec. Also I try creating drop forward rules, but does not seem to work.
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Re: Allow per ip and protocol traffic inside ipsec vpn

Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:59 pm

"bare IPsec" means that you do not use IPsec to transport some tunnelling protocol like L2TP or GRE which is terminated on a virtual interface on Mikrotik, but rather use IPsec policy to "steal" IP packets already handled by normal routing rules and redirect them into the tunnel.

As this "bare IPsec" with its policies which redirect already routed packets has a couple of specifics in interworking with the firewall, we need to be sure whether you really use IPsec this way before continuing.
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Re: Allow per ip and protocol traffic inside ipsec vpn

Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:00 pm

Maybe I misunderstood your problem. What do you mean by "specific IP's and protocols to be allowed inside the tunnel"?
Could you give an example of what you want to block?
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Re: Allow per ip and protocol traffic inside ipsec vpn

Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:52 pm

Hi. Yes I am using bare ipsec.

I'll try to explain what I need to accomplish. Let's say I have site A with an ip range of and Site B I would like to create a policy that for example allows only ip's from to range to reach only on site B and only RDP protocol. Maybe I am wrong and this is not possible on ipsec. Please let me know. Thanks you both for your time and help.
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Re: Allow per ip and protocol traffic inside ipsec vpn

Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:31 am

IPsec policies which are used for bare IPsec match on IP subnets, not ranges, and on IP payload protocols such as TCP, UDP, GRE... and, where applicable, that protocol's ports.

RDP is an application protocol running atop TCP on port 3389 and under circumstances can use also UDP port 3389, both at server side.

So in your case, you could use an IPsec policy to permit access from the whole subnet to the single address for protocol TCP and port 3389 at the side of the single address. However, it would mean that
  • any other packets from to, including packets to except those to TCP port 3389 there, would be routed up to the standard routing rules, so in extreme case they could leak out to the public network
  • also hosts to and to could access RDP at
For the first point, it seems from the manual that you could use a second policy (order matters) which would match all packets between and so it would catch all those not caught by the first policy and would drop them, but the issue of letting other clients from through would still exist.

Therefore, I would personally use an IPsec policy matching on the complete /24 subnets and on all protocols (which also implies that no limitations to particular ports could be set), and I would use normal firewall rules to enforce the restrictions, and I would apply them already at the client side to save some tiny bit of bandwidth.

The following rules would have to be placed in this exact order right before the "chain=forward, action=fasttrack-connection" rule in your IP firewall filter table (use place-before while creating them or move or GUI afterwards to place and order them properly):
/ip firewall filter
add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=3389 connection-state=new action=accept
add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= protocol=udp dst-port=3389 connection-state=new action=accept
add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= connection-state=established,related action=accept
add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= action=drop
As this way you're going to make use of connection-tracking, you must not prevent the packets between and from being connection-tracked as the manual page of IPsec suggests to do if you want to save some CPU. But you do have to prevent them from being src-nated if src-nat would be normally used on the route where the packets are sent before the IPsec policy "steals" them from there.

At the other end of the tunnel, where you do not use these filter rules, you can exclude packets between and from connection tracking as the manual suggests.
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Re: Allow per ip and protocol traffic inside ipsec vpn

Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:38 am

Same what I had in mind with "usual forward chain filter".